Setup Vote Tracker

Learn how to setup the vote tracker

Its very easy to setup the Vote Tracker To get a overview of the command. Run %votesetup !

Setup Vote Tracker for Server:

  • Run %votesetup server, then a setup message should appear.

  • It will ask after the channel, where the vote logs should be send. Send the Channel Mention, like #vote-log

Send the Channel mention, which will be the vote-log

1.Open the blue marked link "" & Click on login 2. Scroll down till a Section named "Server Webhooks" appear 3. Place the URL in the URL Field and insert the Authorization in the Authorization field. See the Image below 4.Scroll down, till the last two button appears named "Submit" & "Only Update" 5. Push the "Only Update button" and then scroll up till "Server Webhooks" and push the "Test Webhook" button, when you have done all step and the bot has Permission in the Channel a message should appear.

Setup Vote Rewards

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