Setup Economy

Learn how to setup the econmy system

Enable/Disable Economy System:

  • %ecosetup enable -> enables the economy system

  • %ecosetup disable -> disables the economy system

When the Economy System is enabled, message collecting will start after you fully set it up.

Set Coins Per Message (CPM):

  • %ecosetup cpm <number> --> This sets the Coins per Message to the given Number. Members will now get for every message the given CPM.

  • The minimal CPM is 0.001 and the maximal 5 CPM.

You have to add Channels, so that Members can collect coins for sending messages.

Add/Remove Channels for Message Counting:

  • %ecosetup addchannel #channel1 #channel 2 -> This will add the mentioned channel for counting

  • %ecosetup removechannel #channel1 #channel 2 -> This will remove the mentioned channel for counting

Blacklist Users from the Economy-system:

  • %eset add @user1 @user2 -> This will blacklist the mentioned users

  • %eset remove @user1 @user2 -> This will remove the mentioned blacklisted users

Last updated

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