Create Reminders

Learn how to create reminders.


  • Interval Reminders (%interval)

  • Onetime Reminders (%remindme)

  • Action Reminders (%action)

Reminders with the same name will be overwritten.

Create a Interval Reminder:

%interval will give you a overview of the command

  • %interval <name> <interval> <ping:optional> <channel> --> Will create a Interval Reminder and it will ask you to provide additional Information

  • A ping must be provided for a custom channel!

  • Ex: %interval lunch-time 12h @food #general --> This will create a interval reminder with the name "lunch-time", which will repeat every 12h and ping on remind the role @food, you can also choose users for ping.

Additional Options:

Create a Onetime Reminder:

%remindme will give you a overview of the command

  • %remindme <time or content> --> Will create a Onetime Reminder

  • Ex: %remindme in 10 minutes for eating my lunch --> This will create a onetime reminder with the name "eating-my-lunch", which will remind you in 10 minutes.

Additional Options:

Create a Action Reminder:

%action will give you the overview for the command

Action reminders are reminders, which will trigger on specific words, which you can choose, which will remind you with the provided time, when someone triggers the reminder.

  • %action <name> <time> <ping:optional> --> create a action reminder

  • Ex: %action Daily-Coins 1d This will create a action reminder, which will trigger on the trigger and remind you after 1day.

Additional options:

Its important that you add a trigger which is shown in the picture.

Action Reminder Option:

0 - When you multiply trigger the reminder, it will multiply remind you

1 - When you multiply trigger the reminder, the last reminder will be overwritten with the newest one

2 - Multiply triggering will be ignored, when existing action reminders are running

Last updated