
All Moderation Commands

Moderation Commands:

  • %addrole : This will add a mentioned role to the user.

  • %createcolorrole : This creates nice color roles (37).

  • %purge : This will purge the messages with the chosen option.

  • %warn : This will warn the user with a reason.

  • %mute : This will warn the user with a reason.

  • %kick : This will kick the user with a reason.

  • %ban : This will ban the user with a reason.

  • %unmute : This will unmute the user with a reason.

  • %unban : This will unban the user with a reason.

Setup Moderation Commands:

  • %modsetup : will setup the moderation system

  • %modlist : will add or remove moderators

  • %whitelist : will add or remove whitelist users/roles

Last updated